Options Trading For Beginners

I have a confesionsion to make,  I am a blatant Capitalist trying to get your money. 

I have an Options course for beginners. I read the article below and though that it would be a complement , rather than competion. It is a FREE method of understanding the basics and deciding if Options Trading is for you. Go through this and follow the advice given. It  may help you decide. It will show you what Options Trading for dummies is about.

Image: Lyfetime's photostream http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3282/2982961997_d42fb7fd67.jpg

What Are Options, and Why Should We Care About Them?

"Also, by educating retail investors about the proper use of options, the brokerage firms are creating smarter customers that will do more trading over the long term, thus creating a virtuous growth cycle. So let's start at the very beginning by….

 Even as stock-trading activity continues to decline, the popularity of options is on the rise. Average monthly trading volume in stocks was 6.5 billion shares through the first half of 2012 — nearly 50% below the 12.2 million shares per month average seen in 2008. 

Meanwhile, options volume has increased by an average of 19% in the past six years, and with good reason.…"

Read more: http://www.minyanville.com/mvpremium/2012/07/12/what-are-options-and-why/#ixzz20VuSoxhY"



 I hope you have come back to me after reading the above information I have spent minutes (sorry days!) finding it in my spare 1/24 daily hours of time slaving away.

Seriously, the information shown is an indicator, I strongly suggest, if you really want to make money trading in Options, you get a well founded education first. It will allow to reduce the stress and be able to trade confidently. 


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